Widgets need to shown to both users and authors. This section explains how to implement a display for your widget and how to use WebWriter’s sidebar feature to improve your layout.
Define a render
To display a widget, a render function returning a template needs to be defined.
In this example, we simply render a <textarea>
element into the widget:
import {html, css} from "lit"
import {LitElementWw} from "@webwriter/lit"
import {customElement} from "lit/decorators.js"
export default class CoolWidget extends LitElementWw {
render() {
return html`<textarea></textarea>`
Use a part-based layout
As an extra feature, WebWriter can display your widget’s configuration options separately from the widget’s content.
For this, the widget’s editing element needs the attribute part="options"
. It should be a single element and a direct child of the widget.
To accomplish this for our example above, we simply add the part="options"
to the our input element:
import {html, css} from "lit"
import {LitElementWw} from "@webwriter/lit"
import {customElement, property} from "lit/decorators.js"
export default class CoolWidget extends LitElementWw {
@property({attribute: true})
accessor value: string
@property({attribute: true})
accessor placeholder: string
static get styles() {
return css`
:host(:not([contenteditable=true]):not([contenteditable=""])) .author-only {
display: none;
render() {
return html`
<input part="options" class="author-only" @change=${e => this.placeholder = e.target.value}></input>
<textarea @change=${e => this.value = e.target.value} placeholder=${this.placeholder}>
- The part-based layout is preferable for more complex widgets since it makes better use of screen space in WebWriter.
- To have multiple elements for the
part, simply add a wrapper element (<div part="options">...</div>
). Only the wrapper needs thepart="options"
Support Fullscreen
More complex widgets can benefit from using more screen space. This can be accomplished with the Fullscreen API.
import {html, css} from "lit"
import {LitElementWw} from "@webwriter/lit"
import {customElement} from "lit/decorators.js"
export class CoolWidget extends LitElementWw {
constructor() {
this.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", () => this.requestUpdate())
static styles = css`
:host {
/* Setting a background is recommended since the backdrop of the fullscreen is black by default */
background: white;
get isFullscreen() {
return this.ownerDocument.fullscreenElement === this
render() {
return html`
<button id="fullscreen" @click=${() => !this.isFullscreen? this.requestFullscreen(): this.ownerDocument.exitFullscreen()}>Toggle Fullscreen</button>
` // this could be any complex widget template
is always removed by WebWriter during fullscreen.- You can use any functions, events, etc. supported by the Fullscreen API to implement your own functionality.