Sometimes, users and authors may want to fall back to printed versions of Explorables.
class ww-beforeprint
: Provide a simplified printable view
Before an explorable is printed, the ww-beforeprint
class is applied to each widget. Widget developers can use this to prepare the widget display for printing.
For example, we could let the interactive textarea become simply a box with a black outline where (paper) users can write text:
import {html, css} from "lit"
import {LitElementWw} from "@webwriter/lit"
import {customElement, property} from "lit/decorators.js"
export default class CoolWidget extends LitElementWw {
@property({attribute: true})
accessor value: string
@property({attribute: true})
accessor placeholder: string
static get styles() {
return css`
:host(:not(:is([contenteditable=true], [contenteditable=""]))) .placeholder {
display: none;
:host(.ww-printable) textarea {
border: 2px solid black;
border-radius: 2px;
render() {
return html`
<input part="action" class="placeholder" @change=${e => this.placeholder =}></input>
<textarea @change=${e => this.value =} placeholder=${this.placeholder}>
- Only some widgets work well in a printed representation. If the widget can’t be represented properly,
could simply mean showing a hint to that effect. - Links could be represented as QR codes.
- Media queries (
@media print
) can also be used to support printing.