
WebWriter offers several ways to organize your widget’s state.

Widget State


Object properties can be used to store any kind of data. WebWriter does not persist properties, so they are lost each time an explorable is saved or reloaded. A property showSuggestions

class MyWidget extends LitElementWw {
  showSuggestions = false


Attributes can be used to store data that can be represented as a string. Attributes are persisted when explorables are saved.

An attribute showsuggestions synchronized with a property showSuggestions

class MyWidget extends LitElementWw {

  @property({type: Boolean, attribute: true, reflect: true})
  accessor showSuggestions = false


You can mark attributes as options. Options are used by WebWriter to auto-generate input fields to modify the corresponding attributes. As the name suggests, this is mostly suited to simple attributes (boolean, string, etc.).

Adding static options

Using the options property on the widget class/constructor

class MyWidget extends LitElementWw {

  static options = {
    showSuggestions: {type: "boolean", label: {en: "Show suggestions"}}

  @property({type: Boolean, attribute: true, reflect: true})
  accessor showSuggestions = false

Using the @option decorator on a widget property

class MyWidget extends LitElementWw {

  @property({type: Boolean, attribute: true, reflect: true})
  @option({type: Boolean, label: {en: "Show suggestions"}})
  accessor showSuggestions = false

Adding dynamic options

Adding an options getter on the widget instance

class MyWidget extends LitElementWw {

  @property({type: Boolean, attribute: true, reflect: true})
  accessor hasSuggestions = false

  @property({type: Boolean, attribute: true, reflect: true})
  accessor showSuggestions = false

  get options() {
    return !this.hasSuggestions? {}: {
      showSuggestions: {type: "boolean", label: {en: "Show suggestions"}}


Content isn’t directly part of the widget, but it can interacted with using the Slot API.